Portable Kerosene Heaters
The Mi-T-M line of industrial kerosene portable heaters provide consistent and reliable heat for a comfortable work environment. Our forced air and radiant heaters are effective solutions regardless the setting.
View Kerosene Models
Portable Propane Heaters
Mi-T-M portable propane heaters rely on one of the most efficient burning fuels available. Choose from tank top, cabinet utility, convection, outdoor patio, or forced air styles, these heaters incorporate innovative heating technology.
View Propane ModelsPortable Heater FAQs
We know portable heaters. Find the answers you're looking for right here.
Can Mi-T-M heaters be used indoors?
No, fuel burning portable heaters are intended to be used only in a well ventilated area
How do I size a space heater?
The most important factor when sizing a space heater is the amount of space you have to heat. A general rule of thumb is that you can heat approximately 25 square feet for every 1000 BTUs a heater puts out.
What type of heater is better, one that runs on Fuel Oil or LP?
All of the approved fuels for Mi-T-M portable heaters have great energy value and one doesn't stand out over another. Your application and the fuel that you have available are going to determine which fuel to use.
What types of fuels are approved for Mi-T-M Portable Heaters?
The approved fuels are:
- No. 1 and No. 2 fuel oil
- No. 1 and No. 2 diesel fuel
- JP8/Jet A fuel