Archive for October, 2017

Dealer Spotlight: Pressure Washer Warehouse

Posted on: October 4th, 2017 by


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pressure washer company

History of Pressure Washer Warehouse

The Carey’s (John, Grace, and Dave) started Otter Lake Pump Company at Otter Lake in Girard, IL in 1997. They started with 3 pressure washers and some soap on their sales floor. When business outgrew that location in 2004, they moved to the current location, off I-55 in the Nickorbob’s Craft Mall area, and changed the name to Pressure Washer Warehouse. In this move, they added a full-service department and added more manufacturer products for sale.

About the Current Owners

In late 2015, the Carey’s were looking to step away from the business and enjoy their retirement. The opportunity was presented to Holzwarth Family Enterprises; and on July 1, 2016, Brett and Sharon Holzwarth took ownership, with help from Chuck and Linda Holzwarth. The Holzwarth family had been using PWW for 10+ years to keep airplanes and equipment clean, and wanted to keep the business going and growing for the community. With the change of ownership, came a full renovation of the 6,000 square-foot warehouse, doubling business hours, new product line, and a rental service.

pressure washer central illinois

Adding Stor-Loc tool boxes as a new product line and a rental service has helped Pressure Washer Warehouse continue to flourish. Providing a rental service allows Pressure Washer Warehouse to help businesses that are in a bind, alleviating a stressful situation with superior service. Although this service is utilized by businesses it, is also available to customers that want to rent equipment for residential use.

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Pressure Washer Warehouse has retained the feel of an authentic Midwestern mom-and-pop shop through genuine appreciation of their customers. Each of the four employees create a welcoming environment and make listening to a customer a top priority. “What sets us apart is that we’re not constantly selling,” says owner Brett Holzwarth. “We’re here to listen to our customer’s needs and educate them so they’re able to make an informed purchasing decision.”

The goal at Pressure Washer Warehouse is to provide a lasting, positive customer service experience, and that is exactly what they’re doing.